Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Airplane Alcoholic

I sat next to a man who consumed 8-10 beers on a 4 hour flight and made me get up a total of seven times so that he could pee. Then when we landed, he proceeded to tell his friend he slept the entire flight. I never saw him sleep once. That's called blacking out you airplane alcoholic....


  1. you really have to be a hardcore, grade a alcholic to be able to get drunk on a plane. unless you start drinking in the airport, which isn't a terrible idea if you do just want to pass out on the plane. ha but 8-10 beers at 5 bucks a pop on the plane? that is just idiotic.

  2. STOP IT!! "Fell asleep" - Dying. Keep them coming - love the view of the world through your eyes!
